World’s Largest Science Fiction Magazine
I’m so happy, I’m going to have kittens. I’m birthing metaphorical felines because I’ve sold a story to the world’s largest science fiction magazine! Now I can see you rolling your eyes at this statement. I know I’ve been abusive to you, dear reader. You’re probably thinking I’m pulling some kind of stunt (it’s not beneath me). You’re likely expecting some kind of photo-shopped magazine so large, it covers the state of Nebraska.
Or a gargantuan magazine floating in orbit, put there by NASA to plug the holes in the ozone layer.
As useful as either one of those would be, when it comes to magazines, large isn’t about the form factor, it’s about circulation. The world’s largest science fiction magazine is called Science Fiction World (SFW) and has a circulation of 300,000 magazines sold per month to a predominately student readership[1,2]. It’s estimated that the magazine is shared with two to four other people [1,2] (Oh those students, so practical and saving their money for important things like milk tea. Can you blame them when Chinese milk tea tastes so damn good?) which puts the estimated readership at over a million readers.
You probably haven’t heard of Science Fiction World because unless you can read Mandarin, you aren’t going to go any deeper than look at the pictures.
But since I like pictures, let me share a few with you:
- Is Carhenge the power behind this?
In the meantime, ‘let us dance.’ (Yes that old Saturday Night Live line.) At least I’m dancing because a Mandarin translation of “KanjiKiss,” a story of Internet love, will be coming to a Chinese newsstand sometime this year, 2010. If English is your only language, then you can read “KanjiKiss” in the Speculative Realms anthology out in eBook and book.
[1] Science Fiction World, Wikipedia
[2] China’s Science Fiction World, article