Lancer Kind

Science fiction author

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Help Make the Hugos “Right”

6 March, 2011 (15:42) | Uncategorized | By: Lancer Kind

Awards. They’re so elitist and yet it’s a time for us to get together and decide who among us should rule the science fiction literary roost. In contrast to the President who has no power because Congress and the Judicial branch spoil the party, the Hugo award winner has pure unadulterated power, babe!

Those registered for Rennovation, this year’s World Science Fiction Convention, or those who attended (or supported) last year’s AussieCon get to vote for the Hugos. Last year, my pal Will McIntosh was nominated for a Hugo for best short story. After giving him the excellent exposure my blog affords, Will went on and WON BEST SHORT STORY! And he’s not the only author to whom this blog has brought great success. Kij Johnson and I needed to only discuss doing an interview and viola! She takes home a Nebula Award.

This year, I expect equally great outcomes.

Your Mission:

Last year I signed up to be a supporting member of AussieCon because my fellow Seattleite and friend Tim McDaniel wrote a story with a really long title that’s so good, I was obligated to pay to be a supporting member so I could nominate his story this year.  Now I need you to help me lock down his nomination and continue the streak of making the Hugos right. (If we let the Hugos go wrong, then I need to screw with a time machine to correct history and I don’t want to deal with that hassle. Try finding a time machine rental on short notice!) So if you’re eligible or know someone who is, get to the Hugo voting page and:

  • cast your vote for Best Short Story, Tim McDaniel’s “They Laughed at Me in Vienna…” first published in Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine (April/May 2010), and
  • for Best Editor, Short Form, vote for Eric T. Reynolds. Eric has been busy editing great science fiction like Ruins Terra, (the book cover on the right side of this web page). The man has been working his shirt off (like Shatner) to put together great fiction for you to read.

If you’ve been thinking about going to the World Science Fiction Convention in Reno, then hop to it and then vote.  Help make the Hugos right.  March 26th this month is the deadline. Go here to vote.