Lancer Kind

Science fiction author

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Tag: Thriller

Agile Grande Chapter 2: Continuous Delivery, Endless Dependencies

25 October, 2018 (12:04) | Agile Grande | By: Lancer Kind

The writing of Agile Grande continues. For now, you can read for free on LeanPub. Get it now because maybe later I’ll charge a MINT! I’m quite taken at how fluid and clear the ePub file works on iBook readers (Mac, iPhone, Android, …). I hope your reading experience is enjoyable as well. So what […]

Agile Grande Chapter 1, is live on Leanpub

20 October, 2018 (08:37) | Agile Grande | By: Lancer Kind

Chapter one is up for free on Leanpub. Quick! Go download it before I come to my senses! In chapter one, the story opens with CIA operatives planning how to accept a delivery of something they don’t want anyone to know about. It’s a black operation and although it’s supposed be a milk run, malfunctioning […]