Lancer Kind

Science fiction author

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Tag: Thriller

285 Meet the Cannibal Club, Reading by author David D Levine

31 July, 2024 (10:32) | | By: Lancer Kind

SciFi Thoughts
SciFi Thoughts
285 Meet the Cannibal Club, Reading by author David D Levine

A very nice book trailer about The Kuiper Belt Job: About David D Levine: Twitter: @daviddlevine David D Levine and his writing in the Wild Cards series:

284 Cannibal Club, unlikely Heroes in David D Levine’s THE KUIPER BELT JOB 

24 July, 2024 (07:07) | | By: Lancer Kind

SciFi Thoughts
SciFi Thoughts
284 Cannibal Club, unlikely Heroes in David D Levine's THE KUIPER BELT JOB 

A very nice book trailer about The Kuiper Belt Job: About David D Levine: Twitter: @daviddlevine David D Levine and his writing in the Wild Cards series:

283 Author David D Levine, What you are is where you were when 

17 July, 2024 (22:16) | | By: Lancer Kind

SciFi Thoughts
SciFi Thoughts
283 Author David D Levine, What you are is where you were when 

About David D Levine: Twitter: @daviddlevine David D Levine and his writing in the Wild Cards series:

Agile Grande, writing chapter 4

31 March, 2020 (14:44) | Agile Grande | By: Lancer Kind

Dear reader, I know you’ve missed me. 😥💧I haven’t posted since December and that was 2019, a whole year-number away. I’m sitting in my studio seeing the Seattle spring sun chasing the winter blues away. Not that I’ve had time for winter blues. I’ve been busy with various this-es and thats-es and now I’ve started […]

Agile Grande Chapter 3 has been released

29 December, 2019 (15:19) | Agile Grande | By: Lancer Kind

Kartar’s being tailed by a very large Russian. The Chinese Ministry of State Security thinks Kartar stole their Semtex to blow up Trump’s wall. Mr. Cherneski is reversing Kartar’s organizational transformation. And Kartar agonizes for a way to overcome his management’s cognitive biases. The writing of Agile Grande continues: You can read what’s been written at […]