235 THE 9TH COLONY author Colin Curtis talks the impacts of Science Fiction on Reality
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Buy The 9TH COLONY from Colin Curtis’s website: http://colincurtis15.com Colin Curtis’s very engrossing video trailer for his novel THE 9TH COLONY: https://youtu.be/MUEwE08ZsvQ
234 Colin Curtis talks about Aliens: Conspiracy or Not?
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Colin Curtis’s website: http://colincurtis15.com Colin Curtis’s very engrossing video trailer for his novel THE 9TH COLONY: https://youtu.be/MUEwE08ZsvQ
Colin Curtis’s website: http://colincurtis15.com Colin Curtis’s very engrossing video trailer for his novel THE 9TH COLONY: https://youtu.be/MUEwE08ZsvQ Colin is also having it created into a comic book and here are some of the characters he has from the book:
157 Kardashev Scale, The big picture on space civilizations
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Here is a visual representation of the Kardashev scale and the amount of energy for each step: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kardashev_scale#/media/File:Consommations_énergétiques_des_trois_types_de_l’échelle_de_Kardashev.svg] Why is there a scale? It’s hard to have an intelligent conversation about something if you don’t have a way to think critically about it. Classification schemes is one way of creating a frame of critical thinking. You […]
Get a copy of RZ Held’s novellas: https://rhiannonheld.com You can find an another interview series with RZ Held at: https://lancerkind.com/listen-to-the-scifi-thoughts-podcast/rhiannon-held-and-rz-held-author/