Lancer Kind

Science fiction author

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Tag: Odyssey

085 Director Guy and what it’s like to release a 15-month project

1 April, 2020 (10:07) | | By: Lancer Kind

SciFi Thoughts
SciFi Thoughts
085 Director Guy and what it's like to release a 15-month project

Ed’s website: DIRECTOR GUY is available on Amazon: Odyssey Writers Workshop: Ken Ran’s THE TEN PERCENT SOLUTION.

043 RZ Held’s vision for Space Opera

17 July, 2019 (08:30) | | By: Lancer Kind

SciFi Thoughts
SciFi Thoughts
043 RZ Held's vision for Space Opera

This episode is the third of a series of four. Visit here for the rest. The final book in Rhiannon Held’s Silver series, Death-Touched, is now available with the rest of the series as an exciting, full-cast audiobook. If you’re looking for the intersection of archaeology and urban fantasy, her Silver universe short-story collection, Lady-Touched, as […]