Lancer Kind

Science fiction author

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Tag: mars

280 LIFE AND DEATH ON MARS—Billionaire Cabal, a Space Race with China, and a NASA Systems Engineer

20 June, 2024 (04:00) | | By: Lancer Kind

SciFi Thoughts
SciFi Thoughts
280 LIFE AND DEATH ON MARS—Billionaire Cabal, a Space Race with China, and a NASA Systems Engineer

Here is Ed’s authorial website and blog: Go friend Ed on Facebook: And Ed’s Amazon author page: A very lovely video on Science Behind Science Fiction: Edward Lerner Explores the Interplay of Fact and Sci-fi in Culture

279 LIFE AND DEATH ON MARS, author Edward M. Lerner’s new novel

13 June, 2024 (15:39) | | By: Lancer Kind

SciFi Thoughts
SciFi Thoughts
279 LIFE AND DEATH ON MARS, author Edward M. Lerner's new novel

Here is Ed’s authorial website and blog: Go friend Ed on Facebook: And Ed’s Amazon author page: A very lovely video on Science Behind Science Fiction: Edward Lerner Explores the Interplay of Fact and Sci-fi in Culture

174 Author David Ebenbach comes clean on why NO sex on Mars

23 March, 2022 (10:38) | | By: Lancer Kind

SciFi Thoughts
SciFi Thoughts
174 Author David Ebenbach comes clean on why NO sex on Mars

David Harris Ebenbach is a U.S. writer of fiction and poetry, a teacher, and an editor. He is the author of nine books, and he is the recipient of the Drue Heinz Literature Prize, the Juniper Prize and the Patricia Bibby Award. Ebenbach’s first science fiction novel, How to Mars, was published in 2021 David’s […]

173 HOW TO MARS: Should there be Law on Mars?

16 March, 2022 (15:48) | | By: Lancer Kind

SciFi Thoughts
SciFi Thoughts
173 HOW TO MARS: Should there be Law on Mars?

David Ebenbach is a U.S. writer of fiction and poetry, a teacher, and an editor. He is the author of nine books, and he is the recipient of the Drue Heinz Literature Prize, the Juniper Prize and the Patricia Bibby Award. Ebenbach’s first science fiction novel, How to Mars, was published in 2021 David’s homepage: […]

172 David Ebenbach’s HOW TO MARS novel

9 March, 2022 (12:15) | | By: Lancer Kind

SciFi Thoughts
SciFi Thoughts
172 David Ebenbach's HOW TO MARS novel

David Ebenbach is a U.S. writer of fiction and poetry, a teacher, and an editor. He is the author of nine books, and he is the recipient of the Drue Heinz Literature Prize, the Juniper Prize and the Patricia Bibby Award. Ebenbach’s first science fiction novel, How to Mars, was published in 2021 David’s homepage: […]