Lancer Kind

Science fiction author

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Tag: hugo

170 The Alien Stars, a reading by its Hugo Award winning author Tim Pratt

24 January, 2022 (09:54) | | By: Lancer Kind

SciFi Thoughts
SciFi Thoughts
170 The Alien Stars, a reading by its Hugo Award winning author Tim Pratt

Purchase The Alien Stars: Tim Pratt’s Patreon: Tim Pratt’s The Axiom novel series: Tim Pratt’s blog: This episode contains contributions by the following Users Film Countdown.flac by contributor qubodup. 16mm Film Reel by contributor bone666138 20161105 Veteran’s Parade by daveincamas November 9, 2013 Veteran’s Day Parade » 20131109CHSBand.WAV by daveincamas brassmusic.mp3 by vollkornbrot

169 Making it in the Arts, advice from Hugo Award winning author Tim Pratt

19 January, 2022 (09:42) | | By: Lancer Kind

SciFi Thoughts
SciFi Thoughts
169 Making it in the Arts, advice from Hugo Award winning author Tim Pratt

Tim Pratt in Wikipedia: Tim and I mention attending the Clarion Writers Workshop (you must apply 6-12 months in advance): This episode contains contributions by the following Users Film Countdown.flac by contributor qubodup. 16mm Film Reel by contributor bone666138 20161105 Veteran’s Parade by daveincamas November 9, 2013 Veteran’s Day Parade » 20131109CHSBand.WAV by daveincamas brassmusic.mp3 by […]

168 Hugo award winning author Tim Pratt on Growing up in Rural North Carolina

12 January, 2022 (08:25) | | By: Lancer Kind

SciFi Thoughts
SciFi Thoughts
168 Hugo award winning author Tim Pratt on Growing up in Rural North Carolina

Tim Pratt in Wikipedia: Tim and I mention attending the Clarion Writers Workshop (you must apply 6-12 months in advance): This episode contains contributions by the following Users Film Countdown.flac by contributor qubodup. 16mm Film Reel by contributor bone666138 20161105 Veteran’s Parade by daveincamas November 9, 2013 Veteran’s Day Parade » 20131109CHSBand.WAV by daveincamas brassmusic.mp3 by […]

069 Fiction that Hugo Award winner Will McIntosh is cooking up in his Writer’s Room

3 December, 2019 (09:34) | | By: Lancer Kind

SciFi Thoughts
SciFi Thoughts
069 Fiction that Hugo Award winner Will McIntosh is cooking up in his Writer's Room

Connect Welcome to SciFi thoughts where for a few short minutes I’ll  tease and tantalize your mind with this genre from the future Register your email address at and you’ll get cool extras about science fiction such as convention schedules and other nifty stuff. ==>Lancer— Kind 069 Fiction that Hugo Award winner Will McIntosh is […]

066 Hugo Award Winning author William McIntosh

13 November, 2019 (12:56) | | By: Lancer Kind

SciFi Thoughts
SciFi Thoughts
066 Hugo Award Winning author William McIntosh

Here is Will’s story Bridesicle: This interview first appeared in writing on A wikipedia entry about Will: A video of Will accepting his award at AussieCon10, presented by Cory Doctorow: McIntosh’s short story “Soft Apocalypse” was shortlisted for both the British Science Fiction Award and the British Fantasy Award. His […]