Lancer Kind

Science fiction author

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073 How a Geek finds a Niche growing up in the South, Roy Huff

1 January, 2020 (08:51) | | By: Lancer Kind

SciFi Thoughts
SciFi Thoughts
073 How a Geek finds a Niche growing up in the South, Roy Huff

Roy’s website: Everville box set: Think Smart not Hard: Roy’s Author page on Amazon:

072 Roy Huff, Meteorologist and Author

25 December, 2019 (11:05) | | By: Lancer Kind

SciFi Thoughts
SciFi Thoughts
072 Roy Huff, Meteorologist and Author

Roy’s website: Everyville box set: Think Smart not Hard: Roy’s Author page on Amazon:

071 The Architect who writes Literary SciFi, Chip Houser

17 December, 2019 (12:46) | | By: Lancer Kind

SciFi Thoughts
SciFi Thoughts
071 The Architect who writes Literary SciFi, Chip Houser

Connect Welcome to SciFi thoughts where for a few short minutes I’ll  tease and tantalize your mind with this genre from the future Register your email address at and you’ll get cool extras about science fiction such as convention schedules and other nifty stuff. ==>Lancer— Kind 071 The Architect who writes Literary SciFi, Chip Houser […]

070 Literary Science Fiction with Chip Houser

11 December, 2019 (11:27) | | By: Lancer Kind

SciFi Thoughts
SciFi Thoughts
070 Literary Science Fiction with Chip Houser

Chip shares the following with his readers and fans: With work being out of control for the last year or so, I’ve focused on writing very short, very dark stories, (50-100 words) which I’ve had good luck placing in various venues: 101Fiction, 50 Word Stories, and The Drabble. I also have one forthcoming on November […]

069 Fiction that Hugo Award winner Will McIntosh is cooking up in his Writer’s Room

3 December, 2019 (09:34) | | By: Lancer Kind

SciFi Thoughts
SciFi Thoughts
069 Fiction that Hugo Award winner Will McIntosh is cooking up in his Writer's Room

Connect Welcome to SciFi thoughts where for a few short minutes I’ll  tease and tantalize your mind with this genre from the future Register your email address at and you’ll get cool extras about science fiction such as convention schedules and other nifty stuff. ==>Lancer— Kind 069 Fiction that Hugo Award winner Will McIntosh is […]