092 Necropolis PD, Steampunk Peridot Series, and Military SF from Parvus Press
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How do you solve a murdur in the city of the dead. Here is Parvus Press’s website: https://parvuspress.com NECROPOLIS PD enter this world in necropolis pd by Nathan Sumsion https://parvuspress.com/npd/ Jacob Green is the only living person trapped in a city where everyone is already dead; a city concealed from the modern world, made up […]
091 PoliSci SciFi, IF THIS GOES ON, from Parvus Press
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Here is Parvus Press’s website: https://parvuspress.com Here is IF THIS GOES ON: https://parvuspress.com/itgo/ IF THIS GOES ON, edited by Kat Rambo http://www.kittywumpus.net/blog/and cover art by Bernard Lee http://www.bernardleeart.com, contains stories from the following authors: 1 Green Glass: A Love Story by E. Lily Yu 2 Twelve Histories Scrawled in the Sky by Aimee Ogden 3 […]
Memory’s Victim by Lancer Kind: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00CD47UNQ?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creativeASIN=B00CD47UNQ&linkCode=xm2 Battle Star Galactica: https://www.syfy.com/battlestargalactica Star Trek Discovery: https://www.cbs.com/shows/star-trek-discovery/ Star Trek Picard: https://www.cbs.com/shows/star-trek-picard/