David Ebenbach is a U.S. writer of fiction and poetry, a teacher, and an editor. He is the author of nine books, and he is the recipient of the Drue Heinz Literature Prize, the Juniper Prize and the Patricia Bibby Award. Ebenbach’s first science fiction novel, How to Mars, was published in 2021 David’s homepage: https://www.davidebenbach.com […]
David Ebenbach is a U.S. writer of fiction and poetry, a teacher, and an editor. He is the author of nine books, and he is the recipient of the Drue Heinz Literature Prize, the Juniper Prize and the Patricia Bibby Award. Ebenbach’s first science fiction novel, How to Mars, was published in 2021 David’s homepage: […]
170 The Alien Stars, a reading by its Hugo Award winning author Tim Pratt
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Purchase The Alien Stars: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-alien-stars-tim-pratt/1138650676?ean=9780857669285 Tim Pratt’s Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/timpratt Tim Pratt’s The Axiom novel series: https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/series/EHA/the-axiom Tim Pratt’s blog: http://www.timpratt.org This episode contains contributions by the following FreeSound.org Users Film Countdown.flac by contributor qubodup. 16mm Film Reel by contributor bone666138 20161105 Veteran’s Parade by daveincamas November 9, 2013 Veteran’s Day Parade » 20131109CHSBand.WAV by daveincamas brassmusic.mp3 by vollkornbrot
169 Making it in the Arts, advice from Hugo Award winning author Tim Pratt
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Tim Pratt in Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tim_Pratt Tim and I mention attending the Clarion Writers Workshop (you must apply 6-12 months in advance): http://clarion.ucsd.edu This episode contains contributions by the following FreeSound.org Users Film Countdown.flac by contributor qubodup. 16mm Film Reel by contributor bone666138 20161105 Veteran’s Parade by daveincamas November 9, 2013 Veteran’s Day Parade » 20131109CHSBand.WAV by daveincamas brassmusic.mp3 by […]
168 Hugo award winning author Tim Pratt on Growing up in Rural North Carolina
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Tim Pratt in Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tim_Pratt Tim and I mention attending the Clarion Writers Workshop (you must apply 6-12 months in advance): http://clarion.ucsd.edu This episode contains contributions by the following FreeSound.org Users Film Countdown.flac by contributor qubodup. 16mm Film Reel by contributor bone666138 20161105 Veteran’s Parade by daveincamas November 9, 2013 Veteran’s Day Parade » 20131109CHSBand.WAV by daveincamas brassmusic.mp3 by […]