196 Rockets & Robots Authors, a young adult science fiction

You can purchase a copy of Rockets & Robots here: https://www.amazon.com/Rockets-Robots-This-World-Adventures/dp/B0B5PSRQS9
Are you looking for more youth appropriate science fiction? Word Balloon Books caters to this audience. Follow them at the below locations to get updates about fiction that’s written for young developing minds:
- Facebook https://m.facebook.com/101929985822210/
- Instagram @word_balloon_books
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Word Balloon Books has another anthology out:
More about the guests in this series:
There are many more authors in the Rockets and Robots anthology. The below are the guests who helped make this show for SciFi Thoughts.
Bruce Markuson:
Anne E Johnson:
Twitter: @anneejohnson
Katherine Hanifen:
Katherine’s homepage: https://kayhanifenauthor.wordpress.com/
Eric James Stone