Lancer Kind

Science fiction author

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047 PK Dick Award reading of THE BODY LIBRARY by Jeff Noon

12 June, 2019 (07:45) | | By: Lancer Kind


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==>Lancer— Kind

047 PK Dick Award reading of THE BODY LIBRARY by Jeff Noon

MCed by William Sadorus ( and Gordon Van Gelder (

PK Dick Award official website:

Award banquet video:

The Nominees:

episode 44 TIME WAS by Ian McDonald (

episode 45 ALIEN VIRUS LOVE DISASTER: STORIES by Abbey Mei Otis (Small Beer Press)

THEORY OF BASTARDS by Audrey Schulman (Europa Editions)

THE BODY LIBRARY by Jeff Noon (Angry Robot) read by Adam Kakoonis

AMBIGUITY MACHINES AND OTHER STORIES by Vandana Singh (Small Beer Press) read by Brenda Cooper

84K by Claire North (Orbit)

The winner of the 2019 PK Dick award was THEORY OF BASTARDS by Audrey Schulman (Europa Editions).

Philip Kindred Dick and his twin sister, Jane Charlotte Dick, were born six weeks prematurely in 1928. The death of Dick’s twin, six weeks after their birth, profoundly affected Philip’s life, leading to the recurrent motif of the “phantom twin” in his books.

When Phillip was 8, his parents divorced and his mother took him to Washington D.C. and raised him on her own. Philip attended John Eaton Elementary School completing the second through fourth grades. His lowest grade was a “C” in Written Composition, although a teacher remarked that he “shows interest and ability in story telling”.

At the age of ten, Philip and his mother Dorothy returned to California, and it was around this time that he became interested in science fiction. Dick said that his first science fiction magazine was Stirring Science Stories in 1940.

SciFi Thoughts
SciFi Thoughts
047 PK Dick Award reading of THE BODY LIBRARY by Jeff Noon