019 Proudest Moment for the Editor of Clarkesworld
28 November, 2018 (13:22) | | By: Lancer Kind
Secret Life of Bots, by Suzanne Palmer. 2018 Hugo award for best novelette, 2018 finalist for Theodore A. Sturgeon Memorial Award, 2018 finalist for WFSA Small Press Award. There is audio and text to the story at the end of this link: http://clarkesworldmagazine.com/palmer_09_17/
The 2019 World Science Fiction Convention (WorldCon) is in Ireland. The WorldCon website will give you the up to date information on locations and upcoming locations: http://www.worldcon.org
How to vote for a Hugo
If you read something and want to nominate it for a Hugo Award, you must get a membership to the upcoming World Con. You can do this by: Visit the WorldCon website to get the upcoming location www.worldcon.org The upcoming convention will be given a nickname (Dublin2019 for example). Visit the specific website for the upcoming location (for example, this year it’s in Dublin https://dublin2019.com/memberships/)
1. Search the specific Con’s site for the word Membership (this should be easy to do)
2. Buy either a supporting membership (meaning you can vote for the Hugo but you’re not planning on being on location at the convention, or you buy o full membership and join the fun on location.
3. The convention will communicate with your on when they’ll send you a ballot.