Avoiding the Great Filter

Dr. Jonathan Jiang of Jet Propulsion Lap (JPL) co-wrote a paper with Philip E. Rosen and Kristen A. Fahy about a model using our current technological progress which projects when humanity will travel to the stars. Here is a link to their paper. The paper is titled Avoiding the “Great Filter”: A Projected Timeframe for Human Expansion Off-World, and it can be read here: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2108.01730.pdf
Listen to these short episodes that make up this series:
- 244 JPL Scientist talks of Surviving the Great Filter
- 245 How Expanding Off-World Creates Hope for our Youth
- 246 How Moore’s Law Projects when Humanity will be Interstellar
- 247 Saving Humanity by Overcoming Great Filters
- 248 Avoiding the “Great Filter”—enough Wisdom to protect us from our Knowledge