Lancer Kind

Science fiction author

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LISTEN to the SciFi Thoughts podcast

Author and podcast host Lancer Kind will, for a few short minutes, tease and tantalize your mind with this genre from the future. SciFi has many dozens of sub genres with different story telling styles which attempt to bring new possibilities into how you see the world. My mission is to expand what science fiction means to you by exploring this genre that is diverse as the stars in the sky.

SciFi Thoughts will, like the James Web Telescope, draw focus on a discovery and tantalize you with thoughts on movies and literature through intelligent and engaging discussion.

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Upcoming guests

Typically, each guest interview is turned into three to four laser focused episodes.  (And we use real lasers.)

Forecasted show order:

  1. Richard Sparks leverages love of video games to author a book series that mashes up gaming culture, fantasy, and role playing: New Rock, New Role, and New Rock, New Realm
  2. Lancer interviews THE XENOPHOBES movie cast and crew.
  3. William Preston tells about his pulp fiction “The Old Man” series.
  4. Poetic speculative fiction of Tlotlo Tsamaase, author of Womb City.
  5. Author Alan Smale tells about his second book in the Apollo Rising alternate world series, RADIANT SKY
  6. Yaroslav Barsukov, a physicist-turned-writer born in Cold War-era Moscow, tells of his genre-defying speculative fiction.
  7. Raven Oak tells about her space opera books: CLASS-M EXILE, and THE ELDEST SILENCE

Guests, rest assured that when your episode goes live, Lancer will contact you via multiple social media channels.  If you’ve got a hot date—book launch or Kickstarter, for example—contact Lancer and he’ll make all possible effort to accommodate.  (You can contact him via phone/SMS if you have his number.  Otherwise, Twitter, FB, LinkedIn, or email–email has the slowest response time.)

Brilliant guests we’ve already had on the show. Click the album cover to listen to their series.

African speculative fiction from Nigerian writer, editor, publisher Oghenechovwe Donald Ekpeki

Meet Morris Vanegas who designed and created the SpaceX space suit

Master of alternative history, Harry Norman Turtledove

David D Levine discusses his space opera novels and his love of LARP

Edward M Lerner, Perpetrator of Science Fiction and Techno-thrillers

Lancer and Mark Eads discuss Netflix’s 3 Body Problem

Book covers pictured for LM Sagas’s books CASCADE FAILURE and GRAVITY FAIL.

SciFi author LM Sagas’s novel Cascade Failure, part 1 of the Ambit’s Run series

SciFi fan Mark Eads and Lancer discuss Foundation season 2

Clarkes World science fiction magazine introduced by founder Neil Clarke

Hugo award winning author Tim Pratt

Will McIntosh, Hugo award winning author talks about winning the Hugo Award

Orphan Black audio series

Madeline Ashby talks about the Orphan Black audio drama and her own novels

He’s created props for TERMINATOR, DEEP SPACE 9, VOYAGER, CHRONICLES OF RIDDICK, so let’s meet “Tiki” Al Zequeira.

The Randoms, a young adult science fiction series by David Liss

Rotten Tomatos Approved Critic, Star Trek Aficionado, and Author Ian Thomas Malone

Tim McDaniel, author of comedic science fiction

Dr. Jonathon Jiang poses with a satellite from Hughes.

JPL scientist Dr. Jonathon Jiang forecasts when humanity will travel the stars

Hear from REAL LIFE Lunar Explorer Shanmuga Subramanian

Author Robbie Sheerin and his award winning sci-fi short story collection TALES FROM ANOTHER DIMENSION

Adam Roberts, London Professor and Science Fiction Novelist

Cyber Forensics expert Brett Shavers tells about his life and his book PLACING THE SUSPECT BEHIND THE KEYBOARD

Dr. Swati Mohan, NASA Control Systems Engineer, Cassini and Perseverance

Will Iverson on Science Fiction Story Telling in his BlazeSky Space Opera

How To Mars novel

Novelist David Ebenbach tells about HOW TO MARS

Gonzo Lawyerly Science Fiction by Christopher Brown

Bud Sparhawk, short fiction author and member of the Analog Mafia

Game Developer Chris Barton tells of how MARVEL’s SPIDER-MAN: Miles Morales came to Sony PlayStation

Marshall Ryan Maresca, well known author of the Maradaine Saga, and SciFi

Bill Preston talks about his Old Man (superhero) stories as well as literature and science fiction

Tim C Taylor writes a fusion of military science fiction and space opera

UFO Space Opera author Colin Curtis and his break-out success THE 9th COLONY

Guest RZ (Rhiannon) Held showcases her Amsterdam Institute space opera series

Founder and editor Colin Coyle on the science fiction published by Parvus Press

Angela (AG) Slatter writes urban fantasy, horror, and science fiction short stories.

Wil Williams

Journalist and audio drama talent, Wil Williams

Founder and editor Bob Brown of BCubed Press on Liberal Science Fiction

Rockets & Robots anthology

Rockets & Robots (from Word Balloon Books) anthology contains science fiction for young adult readers

Isaac Asimov’s The Foundation brought to you by Mark Eads

Noir SciFi author Patrick Swenson talks about his Work, Music, and an Annual Writers Retreat

Author Maggie MacAlpine shares her growth as a science fiction author

Existential pulp author and live show host, Will “the Thrill” Viharo

Star Trek Discovery

UK author Tony Jones talks about Doc Savage, audio dramas, and Dr. Who

Podcast cover for Unity

Elly Bangs introduces her PK Dick Award nominee, Unity

A.E. Science Fiction Review introduced by JJS Boyce.

Hear how SciFi Thoughts transitioned to use Solar Energy

Psychological Space Opera of novelist Tom Doyle

Jonathan H. Jiang, JPL scientist, tells about his work to explain the the Fermi Paradox

Architect and author Chip Houser

Architect and literary SciFi author Chip Houser

Satirist SciFi author Larry Hodges

INTERSTELLAR SPRING, J. Darris Mitchell’s ecological science fiction book series

Soil scientist and Woowoo SciFi author Bob Sojka

Edward Gauthier, author of DIRECTOR GUY

Growing up Episcopalian with Science Fiction, guest: Katharine

Guests: Chip Houser and Lancer Kind

Living Sustainable with guest David Silvan, technologist

M.R. Carry author of comics, screenplays, and novels such as The Girl With All the Gifts and The Book of Kohli

KR (Kat) Richardson tells about her noir crime fiction novel BLOOD ORBIT

Here is the SciFi Thoughts show archive.